So of course, what better to do with a plethora of cherries than to make a cherry pie! Needless to say, the benefactors in my family were excited.
What you'll need...
- Pie Dough*
- About 4 cups of cherries
- 1/4 cup brown sugar
- 1/4 cup granulated sugar
- 1 teaspoon corn starch
- 1/8 cup of water
* The pie dough recipe calls for making the dough one day in advance. While this yields a better composition of the crust, if you're really in a pinch for time, go ahead and do it all in one.
Make and prepare your pie crust using the dough recipe in the link above.
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Destem and pit your cherries - watch out, this can get messy! Then place the cherries in a saucepan on top of the stove.
Add the sugars.
In a separate small bowl, mix together the corn starch and the water. Then add it to the cherries. Cook the cherry mixture over medium heat, stirring continuously, for about 20 minutes until combined to a soft consistency.
Pour the filling into the bottom pie crust.
Cover the top with the second half of the rolled out pie dough and pinch together the sides. Slice a criss cross X in the middle on top, or whatever design you so choose to vent the filling.
Bake for about 50 minutes, until the crust is a golden brown.
Slice it u while its nice and hot (gooey goodness)...
And serve it a la mode!